Music Ministries

Worship is a priority at Forest Home. 

Our Music Ministry is involved in many different aspects of worship and offers a variety of music opportunities for people of all ages.

Sanctuary Choir

Our Sanctuary Choir is made up of individuals from 9th grade up. The Sanctuary Choir provides leadership in our Morning worship service, and presents various special worship experiences throughout the year. The Christmas and Easter presentations are always a wonderful time of worship. The Sanctuary Choir meets for rehearsal on Wednesday at 6:40 pm in the Choir Room. 

Choir members can click here for rehearsal music. 

FHBC Bells

The FHBC Bells meets for rehearsal at 5:00 pm on Sundays in the Bell Room. The bells ring several times each year, and are always a special part of our Drive-through Nativity. 


The Preschool Choir is for preschoolers ages 3 - 5. They meet at 5:00 pm in the Children's Building. This choir also sings at times in our services, and are always a hit at Christmas & Easter.